
Engaging Students and Teachers Using Virtual Learning Communities

Page history last edited by sjbrooksyoung@... 15 years, 4 months ago


This page is a Webliography of resources mentioned in an article that appeared in Today's Catholic Teacher magazine. Overtime, additional resources may be added. If you know of a link that should appear here, request membership in this wiki workspace and add it!




Blog tools


Class Blogmeister





Micro-blogging tools


Twitter: A free micro-blogging tool that allows users to send messages consisting of up to 140 characters. Post-secondary and secondary teachers are experimenting with using Twitter during class for students to make comments and ask questions. Some elementary teachers are also trying out various Twitter-based activities with their students.

Edmodo: A private micro-blogging tool for educators. 



Wiki tools





Online platforms


Tapped In: An online platform designed to provide workspace for K-12 educators, but teachers are also welcome to create VLCs for K-12 students.

Ning: This online platform offers ad-free networks for teachers working with students ages 13 to 18 and is very popular with educators because of the range of tools and ease of use. 

Elgg (http://elgg.org/): An open source program that makes it possible for education institutions to host their own social networks.



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