

Page history last edited by sjbrooksyoung@... 14 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to the Web Tools for Educators wiki!

World Mosaic made from 1001 Web 2.0 logos. Available: http://www.appappeal.com/web-2-0-application-world-mosaic


The original purpose of this wiki was to provide a webliography for a keynote speech for the Powering Up with Technology Conference. However, since that time, I've given similar or related presentations in other venues and have also referred those participants to this wiki. What seems to be happening gradually is that, in addition to the updating I've done, conference attendees and others are beginning to make contributions to the wiki as well.


This is a resource for educators. Please check the sites carefully for suitability in your classroom before using with students.


Whether you've found this wiki through one of my sessions or have just stumbled across the wiki, you are welcome to make contributions by adding resources and editing pages. Click on the link to the right of this page that allows you to ask to be added to this wiki as a Writer and I'll get you approved as soon as possible. You may also be interested in reading my blog, Web 2.0 and School Administrators.


Please use the headings provided in the Side Bar (on the right side of this page) so that we keep some semblance of order. If you don't see Side Bar links listed, click on the Side Bar tab to make it active.


Here's a link to a quick tutorial on how to edit a page in this wiki.



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