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Today's Catholic Teacher article

Page history last edited by sjbrooksyoung@... 6 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to the Today's Catholic Teacher articles resource page.



I write the Technology Perspectives column for Today's Catholic Teacher magazine. Whenever appropriate, I like to provide additional online resources for readers. This page includes links to the articles as well as links to resources referenced in the articles.




Encouraging Students to Think (Fall 2018) - Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in the article.


Resources for Teaching Digital Citizenship in 2018 (Summer 2018) - Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Choosing Quality Digital Instructional Materials: Tips and Resources for Educators (Spring 2018) - Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.





Design a Winning Plan for Parent/Teacher Communication (Fall 2017): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Becoming Discerning Consumers of Media (Summer 2017): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Engage Students by Taking Your Lessons Online (Spring 2017): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.




Mobile Technology Support for Students with Special Needs (March/April 2016): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Is Technology Planning Passe? (January/February 2016): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Engaging Young Students with Robots (Fall 2016): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


A Baker's Dozen From and For Google (Winter 2016/17): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.




Examples of 3D Printing (May/June 2015): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Infographics in the Classroom (August/September 2015): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Take Control of your Online Persona (October/November 2015): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Public Shaming and Cyber Vigilantism (December 2015/January 2016: Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.




Curating Content--Tools for Managing Digital Resources (January/February 2014): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Raise the Bar for Student Presentations (May/June 2014): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.




Cloud Computing and K-12 Education (January/February 2013): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Social Networks Gaining Traction in Schools (March/April 2013): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Digital Textbooks (May/June 2013): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.




Google Tools for Educators (January/February 2012): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


eReaders: Quickly Obsolete or Viable Technology for Schools? (March/April 2012): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Flipped Classrooms: What's It All About? (May/June 2012): Click the link provided on the left to access a list of online resources related to flipped classrooms.


Is your Tablet Device Ready to Go Back to School? (August/September 2012): Click the link provided on the left to access a list of online resources related to getting your tablet device organized for the new school year.





Ten Web 2.0 Applications for Creative Educators (January/February 2011): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Make Your Point Using Video Clips (March/April 2011): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.




Online Teaching and Learning: Set the Stage for Success (January/February 2010): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Web 2.0 Storytelling (April/May 2010): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


iPod Touch: Affordable Handheld Technology for the Classroom  (August/September 2010): Tips for using the iPod Touch in your classroom.


Easy, Inexpensive Classroom Video Production Using the Flip Camcorder (October 2010): Resources for using the Flip camcorder, includes tutorials, lesson ideas, and more.


Introducing Technology to Preschool Classrooms (November/December 2010): Links to resources mentioned in this column.





Building Community Using Online Tools for Collaboration (August 2009): A list of Web 2.0 tools teachers can use to develop their own Virtual Learning Communities.


Enrich Math and Science Instruction Using Technology (October 2009): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.


Mobile TechnologiesAnytime, Anywhere Access for Students (November/December 2009): Click on the link provided on the left to access links to resources mentioned in this article and to add mobile initiatives you would like to share. 




Web 2.0 Roundup (March 2008)


Technology Resources for Students with Special Needs and their Teachers (September 2008): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.




Technology in the Classroom: Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers and Students (March 2007): Click the link provided on the left to access the Webliography of resources mentioned in this article.

Educational Questions: about school subjects for teachers and students to help make learning fun.



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