
Webtop Applications

Page history last edited by sjbrooksyoung@... 10 years, 9 months ago

Webtop Applications


This is a resource for teachers. Please check the sites carefully for suitability in your classroom before using with students.




Webtop applications allow users to work collaboratively online.


Online groups typically offer ways to email group members, host discussions, share calendars, etc.


wiki(n.) A collaborative Web site comprises the perpetual collective work of many authors. Similar to a blog in structure and logic, a wiki allows anyone to edit, delete or modify content that has been placed on the Web site using a browser interface, including the work of previous authors. In contrast, a blog, typically authored by an individual, does not allow visitors to change the original posted material, only add comments to the original content." Webopedia (accessed on 11-13-06 at http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/W/wiki.html)


Application suites allow users to create and edit files (e.g., documents, spreadsheets, and presentations) online while collaborating in real-time with other users.




Online Groups





Even more examples are available on the Education Examples page in this wiki.



  • Scrawlar Interactive online whiteboard and word processor (free). 
  • Google Docs
  • 20 Google Tools for Today's Classrooms 
  • thinkfree
  • ZOHO Elise Mueller-Teachers are putting together an online version of our report card so we can edit each others work and teachers that team teach can work together.
  • Writeboard (word processor only)Elise Mueller-some of my students are participating in the Sasquatch reading contest and are using it to take notes on the books they read.
  • Thumbstacks (presentation program only) Rudimentary, but you can create and share Web-based presentations using this tool.
  • LetterPop Create newsletters, presentations, and more.
  • Docstoc- upload and publish documents of all types online. May also use for private online document storage.
  • Faculte: A tool that allows you to upload and then narrate pictures, documents, and videos.
  • Wix: Build free flash Web sites.
  • Type with me: (formerly Etherpad) Collaborate on documents in 'real' realtime, (Recently purchased by Google.)
  • Primary Pad: Designed specifically for schools.
  • DarkCopy: simple, distraction-free text editing
  • Fill Any PDF: Upload a PDF form and share with others to complete.
  • FlipSnack: Turn your pdfs in ebooks. 
  • smore: Create flyers and brochure online. Save them as pdfs to distribute electronically. 


Lifehacker blog recently posted this comparison of Google Docs and Zoho.


Survey Tools

  • SurveyMonkey Elise Mueller-Students created a Bullying Survey and are currently collecting data school wide.
  • MyStudiyo: Web-based quizzes, surveys
  • Kwik Surveys: Create free online surveys
  • Doodle: Create surveys for event scheduling
  • polldaddy: Create Online polls and surveys
  • Micropoll: Create and embed one question polls on any webpage.
  • Survs: Create online surveys on your own or with other collaborators 



Graphics & Photo Editing


  • Protopage - Customizable personal/group start pages, collaborative editing capable.
  • SimplyBox - Clip and share items you find on the Web.

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